Our time together was a good investment for us. Money well spent.


President, Owner (G1)

From my point of view we are heading in such a right direction (with regard to building a Product Team). We are in such a better place than we have been in say the last couple of years. We are a million light years ahead of where we used to be. So I am optimistic.


Creative Director

Big IT problems and Paul navigated a very difficult personnel transition for us. Our VP of IT was a big part of our history and family and we did not know how to 'move' them.


President, Family Business Owner (G2)

Thank you for everything you've done. Our business has been such a huge blessing but has been a massive weight on many of our shoulders due to personal conflicts that shouldn't even be there. You've helped immensely in identifying and overcoming those. For the first time in a very long time, both my wife and I are excited about what's to come.


Sales Director, Family Member (G2)

I remember when you said, "I don't do this - you do it". And I though OHH. I learned an immense amount of thoughtfulness with my decision making. How to rely on process and how to communicate and be clear. As well as to think outside of the box.


President, Family Business Owner (G2)

8 years of executive coaching and one hour with you is worth more than all of the others combined.


Family Business Owner (G1)

Ready to build resilience into your business?

Discover how our services have helped clients achieve resilience, optimize their businesses, and ultimately improve their lives.


Your Self-Sustaining Enterprise

We are guides and coaches for business owners and executives who desire growth within themselves and their organization. We believe that we are all unique as individuals and as businesses. Therefore, there must be unique business leadership and practices in order to achieve your greatest aspirations. You are an important part of your community and we partner with you to achieve only what you need and want. We are here to humbly, serve and guide you on your unique path.

Business guidance

Paul’s here to guide you.

Paul is a seasoned consultant around the three core pillars of Family, Business, and Tech.

Business Guide

Business guides work to understand specific priorities and design a plan to achievement. Foundational elements to every organization are aim, culture, people, process, and technology. Through these lenses no priority is too small or too big. Business guides provide a powerful organizational impact with minimal intrusion.

Success Coach

Success coaches provide one on one coaching for executives, managers, and anyone within the organization. The focus is driven by the individual around their career and/or personal goals. Everyone has intimate knowledge of their goals and a success coach helps them discover their journey towards achievement. Success coaches have an astounding affect on the organization as people become self aware, driven and ultimately have joy in their work and lives.

Technical Guide

Technical guides support teams to achieve product stability and innovation. Nearly every business today is rooted in technology regardless if it is realized or embraced. Core practices must be established within the build and innovation teams so that they can 'build the right thing, and build it right'. Technical Guides instill a primary shift in the mindset of the entire product team.

Your business deserves to be resilient.

Experience improved family harmony, sustainable business practices, and technological advancement with our integrated services. Second Nature is designed to transform your family-owned business and help you thrive in the modern world.

Family business clients
Years on average advising each owner
Lifetime relationship with each owner
Years of experience