November 23, 2023

Volunteering is gratitude.

Since the beginning of Second Nature, I’ve dedicated a portion of my time each week to mentoring initiatives in what I call Lead Volunteer. This commitment led me to form partnerships with various non-profits in Cincinnati. One of those dear to me is City Gospel Mission.

They run a shelter offering not just a place to sleep but also an opportunity for residents to engage in various tasks, from cooking to cleaning, as part of their stay. This involvement extends to chapel work and faith-based activities.

City Gospel Mission also runs other programs such as youth mentoring, addiction recovery, and job placement. I have participated as a mentor for Jobs Plus, which is all about helping folks transition back into the workforce. The role is a blend of coach, guide, and cheerleader — helping with resumes, job interviews, and just being there through their ups and downs.

This journey has taught me a lot. I’ve come to believe in the idea that “proximity stirs the spirit.” Getting closer to those who face different challenges and struggles enriches our understanding and compassion. This has been a powerful realization for me and others involved.

As we discuss themes of resiliency and togetherness, this Thanksgiving presents a perfect opportunity to reflect on what these concepts mean within our families and communities.

I encourage others to consider the role of mentoring in their personal and professional lives. It’s worth pondering the integration of mentorship programs within businesses, potentially leading to employment opportunities for those we mentor.

This process is about being part of something larger than ourselves, offering what we can to those who are eager for guidance and support. It’s a beautiful and fulfilling journey.

I hope you, your family, your businesses, and your communities have a wonderful Thanksgiving!


City Gospel Mission: “Dear ...”

We have a lot to offer when it comes to resilience for others. Putting a resume together, practicing an interview, and just being there for others goes a long way in their journey of recovery and creating stability in their lives.

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City Gospel Mission: Nick gets a job and children back

A great testimony from Nick and a smiling face as a result from his humility and hard work. Now he can share his story and transition his wisdom on to his children.

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City Gospel Mission: Chala’s redemption

I first met Chala as part of a Lead Volunteer initiative to guide City Gospel to sourcing a new donor and volunteer management system. She has a big smile and is always happy to see you. She is such a pleasure to be with. I didn’t know her story at that time.

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Jeremiah Scholars: Alailah

My friend, Joe, is the Director of Youth Mentoring & Jeremiah Scholars at City Gospel Mission. A beautiful example of the outcomes of mentoring programs. YOU, as a mentor, are the primary input into that system!

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City Gospel Mission: Jobs program 2019

My friend, Dean, has been an integral participant for mentoring and providing opportunities throughout his life and within his business. This testimonial is a few years old but certainly a great model for us all. Thank you, Dean.

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Old Dominion: “Some People Do”

A country music video?! What?! It fits. Trust me. Just watch it. Forgiveness. Redemption. Togetherness. “The haircut itself is the action of someone saying, hey, I care.”

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Volunteering is gratitude.
Paul Spencer
Founder of Second Nature Solutions

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