April 30, 2024

Introducing the 7 Principles

Developed alongside my friends and business partners Rob Keefer and Stacy Sheldon, the Harmonics Way Principles emerged from the culture and philosophies we nurtured at Pomiet. Our aim? To encapsulate the essence of achieving peace of mind in everyday technologies and healthcare solutions. Originally born from a blog in the ’90s, these principles have evolved into the core pillars that guide our interactions, decision-making, and overall approach to business and technology.

The seven principles are not just theoretical concepts—they are living, breathing aspects of how we operate daily. They’ve shaped our company culture, ensuring everyone from the newest hires to the founding partners aligns with a common understanding and language that promotes cohesion, efficiency, and, most importantly, harmony in our work.

Here’s a brief overview of these transformative principles:

1. Things Should Work As Expected. We believe clear expectations make your life simpler. When you understand what’s expected, you can be confident in your work again.

2. Always Know How Things Are Going. Living with unknown work statuses can decay your quality of life. A consistent stream of feedback thrills customers, satisfies coworkers, and lowers your own stress.

3. Quality Is Baked In. High quality work always brings harmony to the worker and the user. Embedding your efforts with expertise brings wellbeing and pride to your craft.

4. Always Know How the Parts Relate to the Whole. Understanding an individual task’s importance gives your actions purpose, and the foresight to center your time on important decisions.

5. Interaction Should Be Distraction-free. Focus is crucial to happy, productive work. Living a distraction-free lifestyle means you never miss an enjoyable or useful moment.

6. Things Go Better when Done with Others. Humans are social beings. We are better together than we will ever be apart. Any product or service delivery process of modest complexity will require coordination with others.

7. Embrace Your Complexity and No One Else’s. Your uniqueness is an asset. Understanding your complexity will bring peace of mind to your work life.

One principle that often sparks curiosity and discussion is “Embrace Your Complexity and No One Else’s.” It serves as a reminder to manage our challenges without imposing them on others, fostering a culture of respect and self-awareness within the team. This principle, along with the others, has been instrumental in navigating complex projects, enhancing team dynamics, and ultimately delivering exceptional value to our clients.

These principles have been a game-changer for Pomiet, and we believe they hold universal value, applicable beyond the realms of technology and business. They’ve guided us in crafting not just a productive workplace but a harmonious community committed to excellence, innovation, and well-being.

I’m excited to dive deeper into each of these principles in our ongoing conversations and explore how they can transform the way we think about work, collaboration, and achieving our goals. Stay tuned for more insights and practical applications of the Harmonics Way in our lives and businesses in Part 2.


The 7 Principles: Part 1

In this episode of Resilience Talk, host Paul Spencer of Second Nature Solutions discusses the seven principles of the Harmonics Way—a set of key principles derived from the culture of Pomiet, a healthcare technology business Paul owns. These principles, developed and refined by Paul and his business partners, are designed to guide successful thinking and team interaction within a business context. The discussion highlights how these principles create a shared language, fostering clear communication and feedback among team members, leading to enhanced productivity, quality, and harmony in the workplace. Paul provides insights into each principle’s application in business scenarios, emphasizing their universal applicability beyond technology ventures.

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Introducing the 7 Principles
Paul Spencer
Founder of Second Nature Solutions

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