Cultivate your family business for many generations.

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Join hundreds of family business owners.

You are the fabric of our nation.

Family businesses are a vital thread in the overall success of America.

  • Do you know that privately-held businesses with fewer than 100 employees represent almost 50% of the total US employment?
  • How about two-thirds (!) of the total US employment is championed by privately-held businesses of fewer than 500 employees?
  • Do you realize that your family business can sustain over multiple generations by compounding generational wisdom as soon as possible?
  • Do you understand that your two greatest assets are your family members and the time you have?
  • Are you aware that many boomer-owned family businesses are being sold to private equity because it was too late to cultivate the next-in-line leadership?

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Our aim is to provide a unique mix of topics on business, technology, and family because we know that running a successful business drives most everything else ... but it is not the only output of success.

Happy customers + happy employees + happy owners + happy families = success

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Our time together was a good investment for us. Money well spent.


President, Owner (G1)

From my point of view we are heading in such a right direction (with regard to building a Product Team). We are in such a better place than we have been in say the last couple of years. We are a million light years ahead of where we used to be. So I am optimistic.


Creative Director

Big IT problems and Paul navigated a very difficult personnel transition for us. Our VP of IT was a big part of our history and family and we did not know how to 'move' them.


President, Family Business Owner (G2)

Thank you for everything you've done. Our business has been such a huge blessing but has been a massive weight on many of our shoulders due to personal conflicts that shouldn't even be there. You've helped immensely in identifying and overcoming those. For the first time in a very long time, both my wife and I are excited about what's to come.


Sales Director, Family Member (G2)

I remember when you said, "I don't do this - you do it". And I though OHH. I learned an immense amount of thoughtfulness with my decision making. How to rely on process and how to communicate and be clear. As well as to think outside of the box.


President, Family Business Owner (G2)

8 years of executive coaching and one hour with you is worth more than all of the others combined.


Family Business Owner (G1)

Blog & podcast

Latest resources.

Everything family, tech, and business.

September 9, 2024

Professionalism vs Mediocrity: A Modern Shift in the Workplace?

This post explores how professionalism and mediocrity have evolved in today's cultural and business landscapes, and highlights actionable insights on how we can and must pursue a culture of excellence in the workplace.
August 29, 2024

Unleashing Innovation Through a 10X Mindset

Explore the journey of shifting from incremental to exponential growth, fostering innovation through social capital, divergent thinking, and elevation.
August 11, 2024

How to be a Good Citizen, Worker, and Family Member

This blog post explores how to be a good citizen, worker, and family member. It provides practical strategies for growing in respect for self and for others, for fostering desire, healthy communication, and lifelong learning to enhance personal and professional relationships.

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